Whorl of Petals and Leaves
Trillium Grandiflorum: Large White Trillium
The moment is right now, and I ask myself what I want my day to bring. The last tide of trilliums is calling — it is now or next spring.
One of my favorite times of year in Illinois is May, when there is a short window where trilliums fill forest preserves with a carpet of large white blooms. They are a whorl, three leaves, and three petals, with their spirit wild and untamed. Their arrival can be unexpected, yet I try to call on them each year. Trillium grandiflorum is their unique name.
It was a Monday morning, and I asked myself, "What do I want today?" A practice that keeps me from getting lost in the indecisions, and my inner voice loudly said, "Go visit the trilliums. Enjoy your day!"